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Delight customers with quality assured products.

From supplier to shelf, Parsyl’s temperature monitoring solution helps ensure quality at every step. Schedule time with our team to learn more.

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The Parsyl Difference

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Intervene to improve product quality and reduce waste.

Automatic notifications and custom insights let you know when to intervene on problematic assets before products are lost.

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Standardize your infrastructures with Parsyl.

Unify your operations for temperature-sensitive goods under one system with Parsyl.

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Integrate easily with other technologies.

Parsyl’s easy-to-use API makes integrating with other technologies a breeze.

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Combat staffing shortages with automation and scalable tech.

Future-proof your operations with automated temperature data transfers and tech that’s easy-to-use, easy-to-scale.

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Technology you and your suppliers are happy to use.

Suppliers get better insurance rates when they use Parsyl and you get better supplier relations, quality assured products and increased savings. 

Start your journey with Parsyl.

case study

Parsyl's refrigerated trailer monitoring solution saved the customer thousands of dollars per month.

case study