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For Brokers

Insure essential supply chains with Parsyl Insurance.

We cover a wide variety of risks, from medicines and food to semiconductors and solar panels, with up to $55M in capacity.

Insurance for life’s essentials and the world’s critical supplies.

Parsyl leads the Essential Consortium at Lloyd’s of London, is a Lloyd’s Coverholder, and operates Syndicate 1796, the first mission-driven syndicate at Lloyd’s. We focus on insuring essential supply chains, including food and beverage, life science, pharmaceuticals, raw inputs, packaged and finished goods, and technology components and equipment.
The only Lloyd’s Consortium focused exclusively on insuring the world’s essential supply chains, from medicines and food to semiconductors and solar panels.
Brings Lloyd’s capacity to customers who trade in perishables and non-perishables in the US, Canada, Latin America and beyond.

We've Got You Covered.

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ERMA 2023


Working with Parsyl is easy.

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Good risk management deserves to be rewarded.

Asian Pacific saved $340K worth of product with a $12 device and received a 10% insurance policy rate reduction.

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Claims happen. But we approach the process differently.

Data provides the full picture
What went wrong? Who is responsible? And more importantly, how can a claim be prevented in the future?
We bring clarity to the claims process
Our approach to claims processing is rooted in transparency and efficiency, with the aim of ensuring that customers receive fair settlements.
Insights help customers reduce risk

Data provides insights that lend more transparency into risk - insights customers can use to improve. Lower risk = Better rates

How we paid a same-day claim payment

Learn how Parsyl helped Niceland Seafood identify more sustainable packaging, optimize shipping and receive a same-day claim payment.

It's time to give your customers a better insurance solution.