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Data Partner Program

Get immediate insurance benefits with Parsyl

If you’re using sensors from any of our partners, you can qualify for an immediate 5% discount with Parsyl and access additional savings year over year.

Talk with your broker to get a quote.


Meet Parsyl

Parsyl is a supply chain insurer that uses data and technology to better understand, price and mitigate risk. Parsyl offers its clients more tailored underwriting, an enhanced claims experience and insights-based risk management that helps reduce waste and save money.


Take a closer look...

  • What is the Data Partner Program?

    This program allows you to seamlessly integrate your monitoring data with Parsyl to realize insurance benefits and access additional savings year over year. 

  • What partners are part of the program?

    Partners include Berlinger, Copeland (formerly Emerson), Roambee, Sensitech and Tive.

    Are you interested in joining the program as a partner? Reach out to learn more.

  • Who qualifies for this program?

    If you’re in food & beverage, pharmaceuticals, or life sciences - regardless of company size - and using sensors from any of our partners, Parsyl may be right for you! 

    Of course, we’re also happy to review your account no matter which monitoring provider you use.

  • How does it work?

    When you obtain an insurance policy with Parsyl, you can opt-in to share your monitoring data with Parsyl. In addition to an immediate 5% discount on your policy quote, Parsyl will also use this data to better understand your risk and identify additional potential discounts upon renewal of your Parsyl insurance policy.

  • What does Parsyl do with the data?

    Supply chain data allows Parsyl to underwrite risks without bias or unfair misconceptions. Oftentimes Parsyl can offer more comprehensive coverage at a lower price because our team understands the risk better than other insurers. 

    Data also provides insights that lend more transparency into risk - insights you can use to improve. Lower risk = Better premiums.

    Learn more about Parsyl

Benefits of participating

Asset 11
Get a tailored insurance policy with more transparent pricing
Access opportunities for discounts on new policies and renewals
Asset 12
Ability to qualify for expanded temperature coverage

Kickstart the process.
With no obligation to obtain a policy with Parsyl!